I present to you the amazingly awesome combined talents of artist Philip Straub and the Random House CB design team (click on the picture below to see it nice and big). I want EVERYONE to tell me what they think in the comments.
Here is my opinion: I love it!!! It's easily my favorite of the three books, and I loved all of them (hence the three exclamation marks).
Now, what do you think? I've also included the nifty 3D version for your viewing pleasure (no glasses needed).

That. is. amazing.
It's so cool! Posting it on website immediately! jasonsbookstack.blogspot.com I love the navy/sky blue backdrop and accents, snow, and broken architecture! Best one!
That is an awesome cover!! Seriously, I think they've done a fabulous job with your covers and this one is going to be hard to beat.
Hey, you guys are up early! I'm glad you like it!!!
Wow! The cover is amazing! Definitely worth the wait :) I was dying to see it yesterday. Your tweets did an excellent job of getting me hyped! The long wait until October is going to be treacherous though :(
Ominous. Impressive!
The cover looks great.
So we've had a mysterious maze, a scorching desert, and now the freezing mountains. I can't wait to read it. This cover kinda reminded me of Inception--maybe it's just the ominous concrete structure in the snow. It's still way cool. Congratulations!!
I agree that it does remind me of the omnious concrete fortress in the frozen forest from Inception. Very cool.
And my Amazon preorder recently got upgraded to "It's gonna arrive the same day you could buy it in the brick and mortar stores" shipping. Woo-hoo! Can't wait to read it.
Cover is nice- it goes well with the other two. I suppose I'll have to wait to read it to see how it corresponds with the story :) I'm already wondering what the building could be... ruins of a WICKED headquarters?
WOW. This is amazing! You're so lucky :) Can't wait. Now I want it even more!
Yea, James!!! I'm so excited for you, and I'm looking forward to reading it. Seante' and I have been having withdrawals:-)
¡Se ve genial!
Sabía que sería azul hahaha.
Me ha encantado. Y espero la historia sea más increíble aun.
I love this cover. The Maze Runner might have been my favourite cover, but I love the blue theme to this one. I absolutely cannot wait for the book to come out... It's probably my most anticipated book of the year. This had better be good, Mr. Dashner. :)
I love it! Can't wait to read it, (;
Seriously cool!!!
Wow! I bet Dan Wells is going to feel pretty sheepish when he sees this. Definitely worth all the hype!
It's so... beautiful (goes into a corner and cries.)
Loooooove It!!! I think this is my favorite one of the three too. I cannot wait to read it! =D
"The New York Times Best Selling Author"- Any cover with that on it is FANTASTIC! But the visual is cool too. Congrats.
Very cool!
Love the cover...but what I would love more is to actually read it! The Scorch Trials left me with even more unanswered questions that are driving me crazy! And we just reviewed the Maze Runner for book club so I had to recount all of my questions so the "crazy" is still fresh in my mind. ha ha...I'm sure more than you wanted to know...:)
What can we expect in The Death Cure? Dwarves? Seriously this is the first thing that came to mind. Besides that, I love it too! Now what does snow hold that can cure the Flare?
It's fantastic! Love it!
Book preordered, now getting impatient...
Love it!!! Makes me even more excited for the actual book (didn't think that was possible!!) October can't come fast enough!!!
Fantastic. Um, so what comes after the Death Cure? What project are you moving onto next?
Can't get enough of your books.
My visions were nothing compared to what they came up with!!! It is beautiful. I cannot wait to get my hands on this book. I will post the cover on my book review blog this morning! That will add quite a bit of excitement in the review world...
Wow! It simply BELONGS on my bookshelf.
Wow, that is really cool! Can't wait to read it!
Very cool! I'm still on the first one, and the second is patiently waiting on my bookshelf. Hope to finish in time for this release!
I love it! Can't wait to read this book! You really lucked out having such amazing covers.
OH MY GOD. ~hyperventilates~
I WANT IT. NOW. Please?
I LOVE IT! By far my favorite one out of the trilogy. Ack, I'm so excited. I can't wait to read The Death Cure!
Haha, wow... looks like I was right about the dark color theme. 0_o Very nice!
So how on earth is there still a cold place in the world after the Scorch? Well, I'm sure you'll explain it very well...
Oh, October. ~,~ Half a year from now. We fans have to be really patient, I guess.
When it gets closer to release day, perhaps I'll reread the first 2 books, so I'm reacquainted with the story. ^_~
Hey, and when are you releasing another 13th Reality book, huh? Is that series on hold or something??? I'd sure like to know about it...
Absolutely love it! I can't wait for it to come out!!!!!!!!!
You know you rock and the cover I'd awesome. The color is really cool and make it great!
Awesome! Congrats on three really cool covers! Can't wait to read it!
This has been a book series that I have completely loved and has gripped me from the beginning. After reading the synopsis of the book, from another site, I am extremely excited and curious to read what happens next to our Glader friends.
Great cover to the book. Gives an ominous feel to it. Love the title as well.
Great Job, James!
I love it!! All that's left is to read it, and I'm sure it will be amazing!
Oh dear...what clues does the cover give us?? I can't wait! But I also dread the end of the series....
Awesome, James. Seriously awesome cover! Congrats, dude!
Ooh, I like it! Definitely creepy - makes me want to read the next book now. Like, NOW.
It looks awesome! I love the complete differences between Scorch Trials and Death Cure. Very nice.
Very, very cool. Congrats on the awesome cover!!
Wow! Very impressive. It has such a tone about it- I can't wait to read it.
I love this! I just wish the book was coming sooner than October. :( I NEED to know what happens! Yes, I'm whining.
This looks familiar . . .
I love it! is awesome! I really like it, and can't wait until october T_T
I'm from méxico and love these books :)
O_O A-W-S-O-M-E!!!
i can't wait for read it!!!
Ya no puedo esperar para leerlo!! Sin duda una de las mejores trilogiaS EN LA HISTORIA!!
gracias Sr. James Dashner por crear es sorprendente trilogia!!
From scorching heat to freezing snow... I like it!
La amo ♥ No puede esparar para leerlo ; )
Oh cool! My guess for the cover is close - it is a structure of some sort! But is it a morgue or a gas chamber? Do I have to wait to find out? ;)
The suspense!
Seriously, the cover art is fantastic. Congratulations!
This is Melina's little brother Travis. I read The Maze Runner and I am half-way into The Scorch Trials. I cannot believe how amazing the third book cover is. WOW!!!!!
That's pretty epic cover, I feel like there should be dramatic music playing whenever I look at it.
I saw it this morning on goodreads and thought it was AWESOME! Easily my favorite cover of the trilogy, hands down. Can't wait to be able to get it and set it next to The Maze Runner and The Scorch Trials!
That is a crazy cover! I love it!
*SCREAM!!!!!!* I literally screamed when I saw the cover. It's amazing. I have to agree, it is the best of them all!!!
That looks so great! I'm excited to read it too! ;)
So awesome, cannot wait to read it!!! I want it now!
Awesome! I have to ask, who designs these covers? Cuz I'd say... Leonardo Davinci? Hope I spelt that right
James, I just have to tell you, I was sitting in a certain beautiful building with a certain golden statue on top pondering certain things about why we are hear, who put us here, where we're trying to get back to, no memory of life before, etc. etc. etc. and this light bulb went off in my head (yes, right in the middle of a session) that this was all a little eerily familiar to a little book about a maze, you may have heard of it, and suddenly everything fell into place and I saw exactly what you did there. A genius idea to take a well-known "plan" and turn it into a post-modern mystery/fantasy fiction! Based on that, and the substitute swear words, I realized URLDS2. So I came home and Googled my way to your Wikipedia page and, sure enough, Cedar Fort and BYU confirmed my suspicions. It was a cool discovery that I felt like a freakin' genius for having figured out (the parallels in the book). Anyway, I was hoping to find an email address on here somewhere to contact you. I recently signed with Cedar Fort, my very first book, first dealings with a publisher ever. I was hoping to get a little info, advice, whatever, or just talk writing. Maybe you don't have your email listed on purpose, to avoid this very thing. :) Well, if you feel so inclined, my address is alicialeppert@gmail.com. I'd love to chat.
Thank you!
James -- Can't wait to read the book. The cover is fantastic!
I agree. Best cover of the three.
WOOW Great cover and I'm sure the book will be even better!
WHOA O_O that cover is BEAST!!!
This is what I wrote when I unveiled it at my blog:
I have no clue what THE DEATH CURE will be about because I haven’t read the first two and have no hints at what it may be (don’t tell me anything!), but wow, doesn’t that cover make you feel COLD? Then again, we were just watching THE AMAZING RACE and they were digging around in snowy mountains…and I had cold hands… So maybe I’m carrying that over. ^.~ This cover makes me SHIVER, though. I have a feeling there will be severe conditions involved for the characters. *Can’t wait to finally read this!!!*
(I held off on reading until all three were out so I didn't have to wait between novels! I did the same thing with Hunger Games ^^;)
Interesting and cold and suspenseful and chilling and tense and kinda scary!
I can't believe it's here!
Great job, James. You rock.
AMAZING!!! Funny, just how I pictured it, love it! October 11 can't arrive soon enough! My friend and I actually ditched lunch early at school so we could sneak to the library to see it! It wasn't there when I got up at 4:45 when I get up :P Sooooo excited!!!!!!!!!!!
I would have commented sooner but it wouldn't let me. Sad.
Mr. Dashner, this is an awesome cover! I've read The Maze Runner and The Scorch Trials, and they are great! I am an aspiring writer, but I have no one that's experienced enough to read a chapter of my novel and tell me if it's worth anything. Could you possibly read chapter 1 to see if I even have the bare talent for writing? That would be awesome! Thanks!
Love the cover! Trying to read into and see if I can figure out where the story is going to go....no luck! Can't wait until it comes out! I am pre-ordering it right now!!!!
Thanks for writing such a great and inspiring series! It has really moved me to follow my interest in becoming a writer. You are one of the few authors who have managed to pull me in so deeply into a story that I actually feel the emotions of the main character. "The Scorch Trials" reeling for weeks after I finished the book!
Wow. That's incredible. I love it. It's amazing. It's awesome. Maybe even as awesome as what's inside of it. XD
I was right! I predicted that the book cover would have the words THE DEATH CURE on it!
this looks fantastic!!! I can't wait for it to come out!!!
The day you posted this, there was an insane windstorm and the power was out for HOURS. I was thinking "No!!! I need to the the cover!!!" Also, I just finished The Scorch Trials. creepy ending...
Definitely deserving of 3 exclamation marks. Possibly deserves a fourth.
It looks chillin-ly awesome.
oooh...enticing cover.
AWESOME! Really cool cover!!! I REALLY like it!!!!!!!!!!!!! (yes, 13 exclamation points (if I counted right, that is...))
So when is The Death Cure coming out? I can't wait!
You are doing a beyond amazing job on the Maze Runner series, it's just...awesome (I'm tired so awesome is the best I can do right now...).
So, anyways, yeah.....
ohmygosh. that. is. amazing.
Dear Mr. Dashner,
I am currently reading your book The Maze Runner and I love it! I was so inspired by your book that I am doing a paper in school about you and your writing. Our class assignment is to read a book, then do research on the author to see how our author's life "leaks" into their writing. I have looked throught your blog and other websites and I haven't found anything that really describes what happened in your life that inspired your book, The Maze Runner. So, I was wondering if you could help me out by telling me any events or situations that have happened in your life which inspired your writing so I could use for my research paper. If you could email me back as soon as possible that would be great!
Thank you so much!
P.S. I can't wait for The Death Cure to come out!
WOW Love it! Its pretty impressive. I can't wait to read it!
Amazing. I can't wait to buy it.
I JUST finished THE SCORCH TRIALS and I am EXTREMELY excited to jump into the final instalment of the MAZE RUNNER TRILOGY. I completed SCORCH TRIALS in 3 days. James Dashner, you are a PHENOMENAL writer. Your characters are breath-taking. I feel like I know them so well; that I have known them my whole life. The cover art for the final book is incredibly awesome! I hope that everything works out for all of the characters, and that you wrap up this trilogy in an amazing way. However, if you continue to write about these characters in the future, I would DEFINITELY be a.o.k with that! THANK YOUso much James Dashner for your amazing trilogy. Take care!
I love the cover!!! Note my three exclamation points as well. I cannot wait for the release of The Death Cure, and have been trying to forget that fact since I finished The Scorch Trials last year, but I'm really in need of the conclusion (and/or something good to read). Also, please make a stop in Atlanta on your next tour!!!
I love it!! :) I wonder what this building is :)
Hey James, it was good to see you over the weekend. The new cover looks awesome. I'm looking forward to seeing how everything comes together at the end of this one. Good luck!
Cold and gorgeous and looming. Can't wait to find out what it means. Perfect.
That is a amazing cover, though obviousally not as amazing as the book is going to be!
Love it! I read the excerpt. It was AMAZING! Can't wait for October!
Hard to call you James...we called you Jamie in high school...could not believe it the other day when one of my students showed me the book they were reading and it was YOU! So, what are the odds you can come say "Hi" when you are back "home"...impossible to find a way to contact you...you're famous! Seriously, best of luck with all of yur endeavors....it sounds like only the beginning.
Best, Erin (DHS, class of 1991)
I love it too! Amazing!
AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH that looks so cool!!! This series is by far my favorite series of books and I love reading them! I want to be an author someday and you're a real inspiration to me! Thanks so much for just being awesome and being you!!
AWESOME. can't. freaking. wait.
Wicked cover. Nicely done.
Come on...let it arrive at my local library quickly :0
Hey James, I'm doing a school project and was wondering if you could answer a couple questions. What in your life has influenced the way you write? Much appreciated and I can't wait for THE DEATH CURE!
love the cover!!! (three exclamation marks)
i love the cover! i think its my favorite too.
i just wish the actual book were coming out. the cover makes me wonder about where the book takes place. the first two covers showed the settings of their books. i cant even think about whats going to happen next because snow is so far from the scorch! i guess ill just have to wait. (sigh)
It is awsome! Do you think you could give us a prevue of the book so we know where it is?
The Death Cure looks like a great book!!! Can't wait to read it! I enjoyed The Scorch Trials and The Maze Runner1! So did my teacher and classmates!
i love the first to books cant wait i want thomas and teresa back together and i dont rely care bout that stuff in books it just griped me from the first time she spoke telepathicaly to him.thanks dashne sincerly Dennis
Yeah Teresa and Thomas have to get back together! No offense, but I don't really care for Debbie. Well I like her, just not for Thomas. Pleeeaassee blog again! It's been a month since You last blogged!!!
I need this book. Now.
Oh my gosh! Do you know how excited I am for this book?! I cannot wait! Seeing the cover only increases my excitement! It looks amazing, yet ominous. It just makes me want to know what happens to Thomas next!!!
The cover is absolutley awsome!!!!
the imposing features of the castle are great, but i have one question WHEN WILL THE BOOK BE RELEASED,CAN'T WAIT MUCH LONGER :)
I love how all the covers (and books) take place in totally different places, from lush green to desert to a snowy wasteland. Looks awesome!
Please hurry with the book! Lol. The cover is awesome!
Looks awesome! I just finished the first two books and its going to be a long wait for this one! Thank you Thank you, Mr. Dashner, you are amazing!!
Wow. It's SOOOO perfect!! I just read the chapter preview, and now my best friend and I are DYING for the third book to come out!
Keep up the good work!
Wait.... october 2011?!?!?!?!?!?! so sad!
Hi James. I love the cover, my students will be thrilled. I am a school librarian and also the author of an upcoming book from Libraries Unlimited called Get Those Guys Reading. I will be recommending your books in my book and would like to do a short feature about you and the authors you recommend to boys. If you are willing to help me out, please e-mail me at mkochel (at) earthlink.net and I'll send you more information. (I couldn't find your e-mail address on your websites so this was the best I could do.)
oh my gosh i love the cover alreasy i read the first two books way too soon and now it has been killing me to wait for the death cure. i hope it is as great as the other two!!!! your amazing
Just discovered the Maze Runner and loved it. Just couldn't put it down. Getting ready to start the Scorch Trials and I am excited! Love the cover too. For whatever reason, I just love a good book cover and totally "judge books by their covers" (LOL), at least initially. Thanks for a great book!!
I LOVE IT too!!
Is so AMAZING!!!
It's amazing.More tests more adventure.
My palms are so sweaty, my heart rate is super fast, my brain is literally buzzing with excitement. I read The Maze Runner in Jan. 2010 and I have stuck so close to it and the end is almost here. I'm seriously on the brink of tears, I want that book right now but at the same time I don't want the trilogy to end. I promise I'll re-read these three book one hundred times because they're so amazing! (I'm currently re-reading The Scorch Trials). I'm really pumped for this book and thank you so much for an awesome trilogy, James. I love all the characters; I've grown so close to them they're like my friends! The setting is perfect and your details is astounding. Gosh I seriously rambled WAY too much, there! So I'll end my comment here. :D
I love it is so awsome can't wait to read it!!! :)
the cover is amazing, however.. definitely looking more forward to the content. cannot believe so long to wait still. :(
o god i love your books there so awesome
I can't wait! When the book come out, I'll be buying it first thing in the morning!
Hi james i'm from mexico i like your book i reead the maze runner and the scorch trials I look forward to the third book i hope you understand me because they use the translator on some things
This cover kinda reminded me of Inception--maybe it's just the ominous concrete structure in the snow. It's still way cool. Congratulations!!
Shingles Home Remedy
Has anyone seen the trailer on YouTube? Who plays Thomas? He is my mind's perfect image!!! Hahaha... that's an amazing job on that cover! When does the book come out?
I love the cover and I LOVE the book!!!
I love all 3!!! hence the 3 exclamation marks
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