I have some good news. Scratch that. I have some great news!
I'm happy to announce that Delacorte Press (an imprint of Random House Children's Books) will be publishing my book, THE MAZE RUNNER, in the fall of 2009. My sister keeps saying Random fuh-reaking House! But I'm far too mature to participate in such silliness. I'm pleased, nothing more. Just another day in the life of an....
I'm lying! I'm so excited I can hardly breathe! I haven't slept in a week! My head is about to explode and my body is about to spontaneously combust! I'm using lots and lots of exclamation marks! Me so happy!
Okay, that's just ridiculous. Quit embarrassing yourself.
My editor is going to be the lovely Krista Marino, a senior editor at Random House. She's already skyrocketed into the Top Ten on Dashner's Most Favored People List because she sent me a whole box of free books that she's edited, and their latest catalogs. I can't wait to work with her. I can't wait!
I can't say enough about my agent, Michael Bourret. Two months ago, he didn't know who I was. In a matter of weeks, he made me make my book better, sent it out to publishers, and got a great deal. I can't reveal who got bumped from the list, but he is also firmly entrenched in the Top Ten. (Mom, don't worry, you're safe at Number One. As for you, Lynette, I know you're my wife and all, but . . . kidding!)
I also need to thank Stacy Whitman, a friend and editor at another publisher. She wrote me an editorial letter a few months ago that really, really, REALLY helped my book improve, and I can't thank her enough. I owe her about 1,476 free lunches. Thanks, Stacy. My current editor at Shadow Mountain, Lisa Mangum, also gave me very valuable feedback. Thanks, Lisa.
Anyway, I'm very excited and ready to work. I'm hoping the quick pub date means they're just as excited to get it out as I am!
So, there you have it. In the year 2009 (which follows 2008 for those of you keeping track at home), the world will be exposed to not just one, but TWO books by James Dashner. I hope we all survive.
All I have to say is Wow. Oh yeah, and CONGRATULATIONS. This is very exciting news! I met Krista at a conference last year. She was really nice. Now that you are getting rich and famous, don't forget the little people aka Karen's friend.
and 2009?! Holy moses! Can I get a few more exclamation points puh-lease!!!!!!!!
Bravo, James. I suspected this is what you were being so coy about so, sorry, no real surprise. I knew once Michael took you on--and if the book was as strong as you believed--that it wouldn't take long for someone to grab it up. I'm delighted for you. You certainly deserve the success.
Just don't get fat and lazy and slack off. Well, get fat if you want, but certainly not lazy. I anticipate many more books from you, and each better than the last.
That is so hugely fabulous! So excited for you! As in, doing a little happy dance in my living room kind of excited!
That is so awesome!!!!
I seriously cannot put enough excamation points to tell you how excited I am for you!-so I won't try.
You so deserve it! Hooray! Your dreams are coming true in a very big way!
Krista was at the BYU WIRFY last year and I admit, I coveted her. -As an editor of course.I still remember her speech about loving the books she edits and facing them forward when she goes into a bookstore. She'll be in LA at the SCBWI in August. (See-I'm still keeping track of her.)
Hey, James, I'm one of Krista Marino's other authors, so that makes us author-mates or something now, huh? Congratulations on selling to Random House...and to Krista. She is a fantastic person and brilliant editor, and I can say without hesitation that your excitement is throughly warranted!
Come by the blog I share with author Kelly Parra sometime (www.yafresh.blogspot.com) and say hi!
And congrats again!
Congratulations! I am so pleased to read about all of your success. No one deserves it more. You rock!
That is so awesome!!! Random House--that's amazing, that's a dream come true!! Okay, I think it's time you pass on your little leprechaun, good luck charm, genie in a bottle or whatever you've got that's making me so envious of your successful authordom. Come on--didn't your mommy ever teach you about sharing? :) I want to be first on your list to get an ARC of Maze Runner!
Whoa... This is just waaaay too exciting! I'm all kinds of happy for ya!
Now don't forget me (or your great debt to me--heh, heh) when someone out there in Ebayland is willing to pay scads for THE first edition, FIRST EVER Dashner book! :)
Congrats, young man. This is great news.
Jolly good show, James. This is all fabulous news. Mind you, Tami had to tell us over on Storymakers since you've abandoned us all these days (sniff, sniff). Never mind. It's still the best new since Jeff's "Farworld." :-)
James, I'm so stinkin' excited for you! Congratulations!
CONGRATULATIONS! James, I'm so excited for you and proud as can be! Way to go!
Woo hoo for you, James. That's excellent news!!
Wow, thanks for all the congrats!
Yeah, pretty excited. Pretty much pretty excited. Not quite wettin' the pants stage, but gettin' there.
Wowie I never really got to meet the author of any book I read, and this is the first! I like to write too and I'm writing a book to this very day. I read the 13th Reality and I think it's really cool! I'm making a site too at Freewebs since I can't have a myspace. Just in case you'd like to visit and comment on my site {it's actually about my favorite videogame but I put stories on their too} so here it is: www.freewebs.com/linkyonegirl
P.S. I am one of your readers-well you probably already realized this
P.S.S. Not trying to brag but I'm older than Tick by one year. Ha. :)
YAY JAMES!!! That is very cool!
Wow, James. Congratulations. Very exciting!!
Hi James,
I saw your news on Sara Zarr's blog, so I'm stopping by to say CONGRATS!
I sold my first book earlier this year, so that wild I-sold-my-book!!!! joy is still fresh in my mind.
Looking forward to reading THE MAZE RUNNER.
Woot woot! Congrats, James! For the first time since we met, I'm proud that I know you. ;)
Great news. Congrats!
That's wonderful, James. Congratulations!!
lkmadigan, congrats on your book deal, too! I tried to follow a link and find you, but couldn't. Shoot me an email and tell me more - it's always fun to meet other authors.
Thanks to everyone for the continued congrats. Thank you very very much!
Congrats! Lisa told me a while back about this, but I didn't want to say anything until you announced it. That's so cool! Are we in that top 10? I'd settle for top 20. We definitely need to do lunch again soon. Lisa has some exciting news about her writing, but I don't know if I am able to say what it is yet. Congrats!
Holy cow, James! Congratulations!! How cool is that!
Congrats James! That's fabulous!
hey, congrats my friend. I am looking forward to reading it.
That's A-maze-ing news!Congratulations.
Marcia, you get an A+ for that one. I can't believe I didn't think of that myself!
Scoops, I know the news about your wife, and it is sweet indeed! Congrats!
Thanks again to everyone.
And here's hoping that Random House gives up their nasty little age-banding thing before it affects you.
It's me again. I'm sorry if I really startled you earlier. Congratulations-I'm so hoppy for you! Good luck writing your next book of the 13th Reality.
Mr. Dashner, when I saw your picture on the flap of that awesome 13th Reality you reminded me of Edgar-but your nose isn't as big as Rhode Island.
Well I went to the 13th Reality site and found your blog. My Mom has a myspace too.
So four kids right? Well including me their are four kids in our family.
Nice chatting with you!
-linkyonegirl AKA Author-To-Be AKA one of your many readers
Hi again Mr. Dashner! :)
As I work at a bookstore, I can safely say that it is SO INCREDIBLY EXCITING that Random House is picking up your book. FOR SERIOUS. That's HUGE. INSANELY huge. RIDICULOUS. I'm so happy for you! Don't forget the little people! Even if I'm not still working at Barnes, I'll come be your bodyguard when you do a signing here in Phoenix again. =)
I hope we survive, too, though you're not helping any by leaving us all in SUSPENSE.
I'm excited.
I butchered a word and couldn't live with it. Here's what I meant to say. :)
Congratulations James! That is quite an achievement! The 13th Reality was one of the best books I've ever read for this genra. I'm not surprised you got signed by Random House. Keep up the good work.
James - That totally ROCKS! Congrats!!!!!!!
Congrats, James, in case you didn't get my THREE voice mails. I am wildly excited for you!!!!
Ok, I should have checked your blog lots earlier. My excuse is I was moving when you made the announcement and I've been a slacker since then. But YAY! I've been waiting for this announcement since you first told me about this book at a Storymakers Conference years ago!!! I was also so excited to see 13th Reality at my local Borders here in Cleveland. It was the first time I felt like I was home since I moved here.
I fell like making a comment here scence that is were my favorites take me when i go to your blog
hey i bet i can finish your second book in a week :)
Hey there James! My aunt who's a producer gave me a copy of your story ahead of time, and let me tell you, it looks awesome! It's like a combination of Lord of the Flies and The Cube. I'm also a 16-year-old and budding author, so I might be publishing through Random House as well. Anyway, good luck on the road to being an author! I'll meet you there. :)
Thanks, anonymous! I just hope your aunt the producer likes it enough to make an offer! :-)
And best of luck with your writing. I'll be the first to buy your book when it comes out.
Hey James! I'm currently reading yur book for Hachette (France) and I find it quite fascinating! My only regret is I will probably never get to read the sequel (there will be one, right?) As a reader, we rarely read second books when the first have been published, and I really don't heve time to read outside work... Do you have any synopsis that you could share, or is it top secret? You can write to me at laure.ientale@gmail.com...
I'll certainly recommand your book to hachette, but unfortunately I'm not the one deciding...
Take care,
Thanks, Laure! How cool that someone in France is reading my book. I really hope you like it, and that you can convince Hachette to take it on!
I sent you an email.....
Great book! It was very exciting and i read it about three times already. Everyone should get it when it comes out!
P.S. - !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My dad got your book at the BEA and brought it home. He said all the editors were excited about it and asked if i wanted to read it. I decided i would and I LOVED it! It was exciting and fast-paced and in the past week I've read it three times! I am going to go get your other book from the local library and read it because this one was so good. I don't want to give anything away but EVERYONE should read it and they will enjoy it. I already decided i'm going to give it to a friend of mine that is a very picky reader for her birthday later this year! I'm sure she'll love it! Thank you very much for putting the time and effort into making this book! I'm so excited for you!!!!!!
Hey! Congratulations! I got your book THE MAZE RUNNER as an advanced reading copy. My dad works as the book buyer for an independent bookstore and we both loved it! I'll get all my friends to read it no matter how much they might resist! Sorry it took me so long to find out, but I just got THE MAZE RUNNER and I decided to Google you name to find out if you had wrote any other books. I will defininetly read your other book. I hope to be an author or a High School English teacher and I hope to be as successful as you!
P.S. - If I end up being a teacher, I'll have my class read your book as a project. Otherwise how would English be fun if you only learn the correct form of using an exclamation point?
Abby, thank you so much!!!!!
I can tell you have a great personality, and I'm honored you like my book. Thank you very much.
Congrats James! Let me just say, LOVE THE BOOK. My mom got it at an advanced private copy event in NYC, and I couldn't stop reading it. The plot is so strong, and its sure to be a bestseller. From the beginning, the story is fast paced and exciting, and I refuse to give anything away to anyone, because its such an awesome book!
I strongly urge you to consider writing a sequel to the maze runner. It's an awesome book, but I definetely think a sequel is appropriate with the somewhat cliffhanger ending. Think about it!
AnthonyR, thanks man. And no worries, the book is 1st in a trilogy - I just finished the sequel!
OMG THIS IS MY FAVORITE NEW BOOK!!! I have a friend who's dad works for a publishing company, so we read this book a couple months ago, and it was AMAZING!!! Personally, I like the old cover better, but this one night help others to visualize it. WHen is the next one coming out? I know its early, but oh well. OU ARE AWESOME!!!
Oh, and can you please e-mail me? At calliefluffy7@hotmail.com ? I really would like that because you're my favorite author!
I can't put into words how much Maze Runner has opened my eyes(trying not to sound cheesey here) XD. I percieve theres going to be a book two based off the ending, and i am impaciently freaking out waiting for it cause im sure ur talents will make it excel way above what Maze Runner is!!!!! I look forward to reading the 13th reality series, and congratulations on everything!!
Ur an amazing author. You are absoulutely on my top ten list of duders!
So Cool!
umm, hi.... ummm.... i am a HUGE (and i mean HUGE) fan and this may sound VERY weird but i would like to know your email, just so i could follow up on whats going on with your books... you don't have to give it to me if you don't want but once again i am a HUGE fan and would LOVE to email you, i would not send you junk mail or spam or anything but please..... and i hope you get this.... thanks....
umm, hi... maxine again... i would just like to give you my email since i doubt you would like to tell people yours.... i can never remember websites so when you get this just please email me.... thank you SOOOO much, here's my email:
umm... hi, maxine again.... (again) haha, so umm.... i have a good idea for a new book for you if you ARE going to make a new book (you better) but this may sound like blackmailing but i need to know you've read my comments for me to tell you, you can do that by emailing me or just plain by answering on your blog, thanks!
hi, maxine again.. if there is going to be a movie for the maze runner, i think that you should use a few songs..... but if you want to know those just please leave a reply.....
a lot...
hi, haha... RANDOM
I am freaking out, because I have the first 35 pages of the Scorch Trials. I NEED THE WHOLE BOOK!!
Juan From argentina, my pleasure to have read your book, best in years.
Dont change the stile and keed the good work.
Ill leave you my email juanherbin@hotmail.com i studied psicology and have great fresh ideas you can use for the diferent characters personalies.
Juan J. Herbin
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