Okay, you guys have to see this. It's pretty much freaking awesome. Steven Enfield and Reel Line Productions are responsible, and I can't thank them enough. They used my book as a "guinea pig" to launch their new company, and they hope to garner lots of business from what they've done here. Check it out and let me know what you think:
I seriously have chills dude! That is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Amazing James. Can't wait to see my own.
that's great! I've seen a lot of book trailers, and many are kind of...not good. this one rocks, though.
Oh, bravo, Dude! The trailer is great (my kids will FREAK), and the interview is really fun.
(Closer to the Heart: that's a good'un.)
It's great to hear that you're heading to Washington, James. Frankly, I was suprised that wasn't one of the original tour spots, considering the marketing potential for this particular book.
Congrats on the video preview as well. Did you get to make editorial comments, or did Shadow Mountain handle that?
Wow! That was a great trailer. I'm so jealous and happy for you and proud that I know you... but mostly jealous ;)
that is awesome. they did a great job!
Thanks, glad you guys like it so far.
Luisa, we so have the same taste in music. Very obvious.
Clint, they did seek my feedback, too. They were so cool to work with. In fact, useless trivia: I didn't really love the original music and they sent me a bunch of different options. So that music you heard was chosen by yours truly.
Ummm, your tour dates on your 13th Reality website need to be updated. It shows 3-18 as the last date.
I hope you get to come to OKC.
I have an even better lyric that I always loved from the same band.
If you choose not to decide you still have made a choice.
Loved the trailer bro and I will watch the interview when I get home.
Incredible! They captured the spirit and feel of the book so well.
Way to go!!!
wow! How cool is that?? I didn't even know book trailers existed. Very cool!! Must be exciting to see your characters come to life.
One more thing...
I know dozens of homeschoolers here in Houston who would LOVE to hear you speak. I'm sure your schedule is going to be super crazy when you're in town, but if we can arrange even an hour, these kids will be psyched! Many have already received a copy of your teaser chapters. And imagine what I could do with an entire month's notice! When Obert Skye came to town, I had one day's notice and packed about 100 homeschoolers into my home. With you, I think we'd shoot for the library. :)
Crossing my fingers and toes...
Ron, yeah, they need to be better about updating my website. I'll bug them.
Tamra, I'll see what I can do. I'd love to do what Obert Skye did there.
It is kind of surreal to watch the trailer. I can only imagine what it must be like to see your book made into a movie. I just might die of happiness that day.
It was so cool to see scenes from the book put into a video. How did they make the little Knat Rats? That was awesome!
I showed this trailer to my boys and they were so excited!
"Mom! Is it going to be a movie?!"
"Maybe someday..." (we hope)
So then I had to start reading the book to them. It is a delightful read aloud. We are all enjoying it.
Book Trailers: what a great idea.
Book trailers...I've seen them mentioned but this is my first. What an interesting concept.
Loved the lyric!
That was so cool! I'm amazed at how awesome the trailer thingy was. I think I about died when it was over. :( Thankfully I have enough energy to tell you that I loved it!
Sunbum, you are way too awesome.
Thanks again to everyone for the nice comments. And a big thanks to all of those who linked to the trailer. I really apreciate that!!!
James, I had a roomate in college that ate, slept and breathed Rush. It was the only music he owned and he played in CONSTANTLY! It drove me nuts. Especially since it was my cd player. I eventually came to hate the sound of Geddy Lee's voice. I asked him not to play it once when I was there and he ignored me. So I turned it off. He came back and turned it on. I took it out and put one of mine in (I was cleaning house and needed MY music--on my cd player) and he came and put it back in.
So I broke the CD and moved the player into my room.
Needless to say, he moved out right after that.
I would die of happiness if your Jimmy Fincher and the newest series (the 13th reality) were made into a movie! I would be jumping off the walls! It would be so AWSOME!
That was awesome. We like the quality of the trailer. I am glad I found your web site. It was an accident but is very fun.
Anna del C.
Author of "The Elf and the Princess"
and "Trouble in the Elf City"
I loved Maze Runner!!!!! I have 24 pages left on the 13th reality! I've told all my friends about your books, they love em too. You inspire me (which iisn't easy, I'm a 13 yer old female) and make me want to be a better writer. Seriously dude, you're awesome.
i think it was cool, but what it needs is to be longer and have more characters..... because at the ending it shows him doing the thingie with stomping and saying the stuff in the graveyard, oh darn.... spoiler.... anyways so ya, they should show the other guys, sofia right??? and .... paul?? anyways, ya.... that what I personally think.... anyways please reply james! thanks!
i think it was cool, but what it needs is to be longer and have more characters..... because at the ending it shows him doing the thingie with stomping and saying the stuff in the graveyard, oh darn.... spoiler.... anyways so ya, they should show the other guys, sofia right??? and .... paul?? anyways, ya.... that what I personally think.... anyways please reply james! thanks!
Ok now i was just going around my library and found the first book of maze runner, i read and thought it was good, but now the alst page said end of book one, and thats when i freaked so as soon as i could i got on the web and looked for the rest of the series to read them, i came across this page and was so happy but also sad i have to wait so long but as soon as it come im on my heals with a book in my hand. Ohh im soo excited!!!!
Alright, I have read the Maze Runner and the 31th reality series. I almost cryed that there wasent a 4th one out yet C: I really love your books and its funny how I found The Maze Runner. I was at airport and had just finished book so my mom went into this shop to see if she could find a good book and she came out with that read it in a week it was so good. Keep writing dude :D
Excellent in every aspect! You sir, have some serious skills(I'm quite jealous actually) Just wanted to thank you for being awesome and writing stuff for the entertainment of lazy people(yours truly) :)
I actually finished book 3 about two minutes ago, saw the ad for book four, came online searching for its release date, and I ended up here. So yeah. You Rock.
Anyway, I'd thought I'd give my thoughts on this trailer...I must say it's very amature. (No offense to the makers, just giving my opinion). The effects are cheap, the acting is lousy, and the scenes shown aren't even remotely exciting in the least. It looks as if a few teenage boys spent a Saturday afternoon making it and put it on youtube for kicks and giggles, rather than being an actual ad from a business. Like I said, no offense intended, but there are many people out there who could do a much better job.
Peace out :)
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