It's been a great year. I know most people do all kinds of fancy stuff where they list all their most wonderfulest things of the year and all the most wonderfulest things they're looking forward to next year. And I love reading those!
But I'm too scared to do it because I know I will leave something or someone out and then I'll feel guilty until the end of the next year. So, here's a blanket statement: I really loved 2009 and I can't wait for 2010!!!!
But I will say this: 2009 was the first full calendar year in which I worked solely as an author. And for that, I am extremely grateful and consider myself one lucky dude. (In case you didn't know, I used to be an accountant. Oh, the horror.)
Here are a few things that might interest you:
1. Sorry for the late notice, because I thought it was tomorrow, but all day today and tonight, there will be commercials for THE MAZE RUNNER running during the Twilight Zone Marathon on the Syfy Channel. It's supposed to run 11 times I think. Set those DVRs!!!
2. The commercial will also run during an episode of Fringe (Fox) in a couple of weeks, on the 14th.
3. My book made it on another "best of 2009" list, this time from Barnes and Noble: CLICK HERE to see it. Thanks BN!!!!!!
4. I hope the word is getting out that the paperback for the first book in THE 13TH REALITY series is now in stores, from Simon & Schuster (Aladdin imprint). It's called THE JOURNAL OF CURIOUS LETTERS. I really think those of you who liked MAZE will like this book! Give it a try. Book 2 comes out in paperback in February, then Book 3 in hardback in April.
5. I've noticed a lot of new people are discovering my blog. Welcome guys! I'm really glad to have you here. If you have a question, please leave it in the comments and I'll answer them in a future post. You can also follow me on Twitter (CLICK HERE) and you can follow this blog (CLICK HERE).
Gotta run, but I really look forward to getting to know more of you and hanging out with you here on the blog in 2010. Happy New Year!!!
P.S. THANK YOU for all the nice words about The Maze Runner lately in the comments. I really appreciate it.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Goodbye 2009 - I Loved You
Posted by
James Dashner
11:23 AM
Friday, December 18, 2009
Catch Up (not Ketchup)
Posted by
James Dashner
9:07 AM
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
It's the Most Wonderful Time...
...of the year.
Isn't it? Duders, we've entered easily the most favoritestest month of the year for me. I love December, and the only downside is that since it's begun, it means it will end. But that would be a really pessimistic way too look at it, so I won't. I refuse to think that the holidays will be over and then football soon after that. Oh, the agony!!!!
We got dumped on with the white stuff today. (That's snow, for you folks from my hometown in Georgia.) I spent over an hour shovelling it, and I actually enjoyed it, especially after my wife forced me to put on a hat and my ears discontinued their path to frostbite. But I still think we should get a snow blower. Maybe. Or not. Maybe...
Hmmmm. So what's on my mind today?
1. Still knee-deep in revisions. On two books (The Scorch Trials and The 13th Reality Book 3: The Blade of Shattered Hope.) I'm not a big fan of revisions, but I'm so glad I'm not an idiot and recognize the importance of giving it my best shot. I feel very good about how these books are coming along!
2. My drums are awesome. Really, really awesome. I love playing them. Sometimes my ears hurt.
3. Remember that Droid phone I ranted and raved about? Well, it died after two stellar weeks. Now, Verizon does have incredible customer service and gave me a brand new one. (Wait, wasn't my first one brand new still?) So we'll see. But having said that, I really do love this phone! (My second one, not the first one.)
4. Please, please, please go check out this EXTENDED version of the book trailer for The Maze Runner. It's twice the awesomeness! CLICK HERE. And please spread the word because these guys worked so hard on it.
5. A lot of people have asked me about a certain comment left in the last blog post of mine. Patience, my friends! Patience. All will be revealed very soon.
6. Could someone please explain to me what's up with the movie The Road? I'm dying to see it, and have been for at least a year, and I know it's been released, but it's still not in any theaters around here. Viggo aka Aragorn, could you please remedy the situation? I'm also looking forward to Avatar, Sherlock Holmes, Up in the Air, and about one hundred other movies.
7. People keep telling me in the comments that I'm not posting enough. I have slowed down a bit, huh? Okay, I'll try harder.
8. Note to everyone in charge of college football: You're not smart. Sorry, don't know how else to say it. You're just not very smart. If we had a 16 team playoff to look forward to, it'd be the most amazing thing since the spaceship was invented. Can you imagine the talk and hype over the first round alone??!?! Please quit your jobs and let people with brains take over. That is all. And sorry if I was rude. I'm usually not, really.
9. Had the fortune of attending the book launch party for BEAUTIFUL CREATURES by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl last week. Amazing authors, amazing book, amazing buzz. One of the greatest perks of being an author is hanging out with other authors. You should all do it! Seriously! Go write a book. It's awesome.
10. Remember to follow my blog (CLICK HERE) and follow me on Twitter (CLICK HERE).
Have a great day. Lyrics and Q&A next post, coming soon....
Posted by
James Dashner
9:55 AM