Monday, September 28, 2009
Banned Books Week
Posted by
James Dashner
8:17 AM
Friday, September 25, 2009
Just a quick post to say that The Book Academy conference was truly amazing yesterday. Over 300 attendees and very well organized. My favorite part was Brandon Sanderson's keynote address. I had a lot of fun serving on a panel and teaching a class, too. Kudos to the folks at UVU!
Also, THE MAZE RUNNER had a great article about it in Publisher's Weekly yesterday. To read it, CLICK HERE. My sincere thanks to Shannon O'Connor at Doylestown Bookshop in Pennsylvania.
If you missed the new cover for The 13th Reality paperback, CLICK HERE.
Eleven days to Oct. 6. Eleven days. Can't wait for single digits!
Lyrics of the Day:
I know someday you'll have a beautiful life
I know you'll be a sun
In somebody else's sky
But why
Why can't it be
Why can't it be mine?
Black, Pearl Jam
Posted by
James Dashner
10:23 AM
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Cover - The 13th Reality Paperback

Posted by
James Dashner
8:49 AM
Monday, September 21, 2009
PW Review of The Maze Runner
We were very excited to wake up this morning and see that Publisher's Weekly gave us a great review! Here it is (don't worry, no spoilers beyond back-of-the-book blurb):
The Maze Runner James Dashner. Delacorte, $16.99 (384p) ISBN 978-0-385-73794-4
Dashner (the 13th Reality series) offers up a dark and gripping tale of survival set in a world where teenagers fight for their lives on a daily basis. It starts when Thomas, a teenage amnesiac, wakes up in the Glade, a fragile oasis in the middle of an enormous maze. Here, a group of teenage boys eke out a hazardous existence, exploring the Maze by day and retreating to the Glade at night. No one knows how they got there; no one has ever found a way out (“Old life's over, new life's begun. Learn the rules quick,” the group's leader tells Thomas). Bizarre technological monsters called Grievers patrol the Maze's corridors, almost certain death for any who encounter them. Thomas struggles to regain his memories, but the arrival of a young woman with an ominous message changes the rules of the game.
With a fast-paced narrative steadily answering the myriad questions that arise and an ever-increasing air of tension, Dashner's suspenseful adventure will keep readers guessing until the very end, which paves the way for the inevitable continuation. Ages 12–up. (Oct.)
You can see it online, too: CLICK HERE.
We've had 3 trade reviews now, all extremely positive. I hope you guys agree!
In other news:
1. The Falcons are 2-0. Yes.
2. I had an awesome time at the LUW Roundup conference, and I'm looking forward to the Book Academy conference this Thursday at UVU.
3. We had another foreign rights sale: Spanish (North and Latin America). Yes! Spanish! I'm really, really excited about this one.
4. You can see all the details of my upcoming tour for MAZE by clicking HERE. I really hope to meet a lot of you - come see me!!!
5. Two weeks to release day. Two weeks. TWO WEEKS!
Posted by
James Dashner
8:45 AM
Friday, September 18, 2009
Don't Read Spoilers

Posted by
James Dashner
11:20 AM
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
James Dashner Forum
Okay, for months we've been toying with the idea of making a forum for all the faithful Duders. Well, we finally have our chance! Random House has their own forum website for its young adult authors, so this works out perfect.
It's called Random Buzzers. aka There are a couple of links for my stuff on the main page.
All you need to do is register with the site (it's free) and then you can post, reply, whatever. They already have a section set up for us. (Beginning Sept 28th, I'll be doing a weeklong series of chats with the random buzzer members. But we might as well get things started!)
CLICK HERE to go to the section for my name. (You have to join and login before you can do anything.) I figure this will be a great testing ground to see if a forum is worth the effort. Duders, don't let me down! If you join, please leave a comment telling us your user name, and I'll give away a book or two.
That reminds me - Jenn, I know I owe you a book! And I never announced the winner from those of you who left silly comments over at Aprilynne's blog contest for my book. The winner is... LouMac!!! Please email me, dashnerjames, gmail.
Okay, we'll see how that goes.....
By the way, if you missed it, please go and check out the official website (, which just went live on Friday. The online game is so awesome and addicting. Let us know in the comments if you're able to achieve all ten missions!
Lyrics of the Day:
You wear guilt
Like shackles on your feet
Like a halo in reverse
And when our worlds they fall apart
When the walls come tumbling in
Though we may deserve it
It will be worth it
Halo, Depeche Mode (Trying to give the young whippersnappers some lessons in music)
Posted by
James Dashner
9:24 AM
Friday, September 11, 2009
Maze Runner Website
Holy crap! I know I just posted a blog this morning, but you guys gotta go check out the official website. It just launched:
Be sure and go to the "join the discussion" link because they're giving away 5 ARCs. Also, they have the entire tour date schedule up.
And you HAVE to play the online game. It's amazing!
Wow, I am just blown away. THANK YOU RANDOM HOUSE!!!!!
Posted by
James Dashner
2:38 PM
Three Exciting Things
Just a quick post to report some good news:
1. I finished the first draft of THE BLADE OF SHATTERED HOPE, Book 3 of THE 13TH REALITY. It clocked in at 97,230 words, 63 chapters, and lots of coolness, death and mayhem. Now for editing..... Bleck!!!
2. My agency sold rights to THE MAZE RUNNER trilogy in Brazil. Publisher: V&R Editora.
3. Then they sold rights to the United Kingdom (which sounds so much cooler than UK, but not as cool as The British Empire). Publisher: Scholastic/Chicken House. (Interesting sidenote that I thought was neato: the acquiring editor is Barry Cunningham, who discovered Harry Potter when he was at Bloomsbury in England.)
This is now the current list of foreign rights, in order of sale:
Russia, Ast
France, Pocket Jeunesse
Greece, Platypous
Taiwan, Sun Color Culture Publishing
Brazil, V&R Editora
United Kingdom, Scholastic/Chicken House
I'm so excited at the prospect of my book being available across the world like this. One of my favorite things for sure. Hopefully more will be coming soon. A big thanks to Lauren Abramo and Dystel & Goderich (and the foreign agencies and publishers of course - I don't really know much about you, but thanks!)
Lyrics of the Day:
I was struck by lightning
Walking down the street
I was hit by something
Last night in my sleep
It's a dead man's party
Who could ask for more
Everybody's coming
Leave your body at the door
Dead Man's Party, Oingo Boingo (Delightfully creepy lyrics from an 80's song)
Posted by
James Dashner
10:48 AM
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Kirkus Review of The Maze Runner
Dashner, James
Boys come to the Glade via an empty freight elevator with no memory of how they got there or of their prior lives. This disorientation is made more frightening when they realize that to survive they must lock themselves in every night to avoid the horrors of the Grievers, beings that are part machine, part animal—and altogether deadly. The boys in the Glade send out Runners each day to find a way out through the Maze that surrounds their one patch of safety, with no success. Life goes on until one day the elevator delivers a girl. She brings a message: She is the last child to be sent, and there will be no more deliveries of food or supplies. Now the Glade is cut off, and as the Grievers gather for an all-out attack, it’s clear that it’s now or never—the Maze must be solved. Dashner knows how to spin a tale and make the unbelievable realistic. Hard to put down, this is clearly just a first installment, and it will leave readers dying to find out what comes next. (Science fiction. 12 & up)
End of Spoiler Alert!!!
Here are the last couple of just-reviewish lines:
Dashner knows how to spin a tale and make the unbelievable realistic. Hard to put down, this is clearly just a first installment, and it will leave readers dying to find out what comes next. (Science fiction. 12 & up)

Posted by
James Dashner
7:58 AM
Thursday, September 3, 2009
T Minus 33 Days and Counting
A few things:
1. 33 days. The Double Triple. Eleven Times Three. Ye Olde Thrice Thrice. It's coming!
2. Good friend and fellow author Aprilynne Pike (WINGS, being made into a movie by freaking Disney with freaking Miley Cyrus!) is being so kind as to give away a signed copy of THE MAZE RUNNER on her blog. To enter, you only have to comment (about anything!) on her blog.
We should have code words to show who made it over there via The Dashner Dude. Hmmmm. Since Aprilynne is a friend and understands my idiotic sense of humor, let's do this: Say what you want in her comments, but sign off by saying something absurdly ridiculous and silly, like, "Wee Willie Winkie had a stinky pinky." Come on, be brave! Anyone who does it will be entered into my own contest for another copy of MAZE.
To visit her blog, CLICK HERE. The contest is open through Labor Day weekend.
3. Now, I'm pretty sure nobody's gonna classify MAZE as a romance anytime soon, but luckily The Romantic Times has a broad vision of books they like. In our very first trade review, we couldn't be more pleased! They made MAZE a "Top Pick" for October and did a really nice feature, including an interview with me. Look for it on magazine shelves at your local bookstore or library. Thank you RT!!!!!
4. I'm very, very, very close to completing the first draft of Book 3 of THE 13TH REALITY. It may even happen today. Or tomorrow. I'll definitely tweet about it when that happens, and probably update this blog post. That's always an exciting moment in which my wife and I celebrate by running naked through the park and tackling old ladies. If you'd like to join us, give me a call. My number: 555-555-5553.
5. College football starts tonight. Pro football starts a week from tonight. Georgia is ranked #11, the Falcons should build on their playoff season from a year ago. And there was much rejoicing.
6. Have a wonderful weekend!
Lyrics of the Day:
Why can't we have unhurried hearts?
To beat in time with our stops and our starts.
Why can't we have unhurried hearts?
To keep the time when things fall apart.
Unhurried Hearts, Harlem Shakes
Posted by
James Dashner
6:59 AM
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Best Day of the Year

Posted by
James Dashner
8:48 AM