It really hit me today. The Scorch Trials comes out in THREE weeks. That's nothing. That's, like, 21 days is all! Roughly.
Yes, in 21 days, on Tuesday the 12th of October, The Scorch Trials will be available in stores nationwide (USA and Canada only, other countries later). I'm so excited for you all to read this book. So, so excited. The early reviews are very positive (yay Kirkus!!!! review to be shown here soon) and I just can't wait for those who liked The Maze Runner to see which direction the story goes. I can promise you'll be surprised.
I wanted to give some heads up on events over the next month. I'll be a very busy boy, and I hope to meet many of you while out on the road. Please come and see me!
First up, for those of you in Utah, I'll be at the Orem library tomorrow (Wed the 21st) night at 7:00 pm.
Then I head to Toronto for the Teen Read Awards sponsored by the Indigo bookstore chain, as well as a few prepublicity events for TST. Sidenote: I'm very excited to meet Ally Carter!
After that, it's Austin TX for the big book festival on October 2nd. Anyone out there coming to that?
And then comes the official release tour. My release party will be held at the amazing King's English bookstore in Salt Lake City on October 12th (Tuesday) at 7:00 pm. To all my faithful and long time readers and friends in Utah, please come. Please come!
And then I head off to several cities. The schedule isn't set in stone yet, so look for that in the coming days. But I CAN tell you which cities I'll be visiting, and the dates, so you can mark your calendars. We're trying to go to different places than we did last year. More details to come...
Boston, 13th and 14th
Sheboygan Book Festival in Wisconsin, 16th
Indianapolis, 18th
St. Louis, 19th and 20th
Portland, 21st and 22nd
San Francisco, 23rd - 27th
I really hope to meet a lot of you. Be sure and let me know if you're a Duder!
More soon...
Finally, we've now spent two weeks on the NYT Bestseller List. Two is twice as good as one! Stay tuned for lots of fun stuff and information leading up to Release Day.
Sidenote for comments: What did you guys think of THE EVENT series premiere? I want it to replace LOST for me, even though I know that's impossible. I had mixed feelings. It's no LOST, but it was definitely intriguing.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
3 Weeks! Tour Dates.
Posted by
James Dashner
11:31 AM
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
The Limit by Kristen Landon
Hey guys. THANK YOU for all the congrats on hitting the NYT Bestseller list!!!! A lot of you have been hanging out here from the beginning, and you helped my book get there. So thank you very, very much.
Today I just wanted to give a quick shout out to a book that is now released and in a store near you.....
It's called THE LIMIT, by Kristen Landon. I had the fortune of reading this book early, and I absolutely loved it and gave it a blurb, which just so happens to be on the back cover! Here is a little more info:
An eighth grade girl was taken today . . .
With this first sentence, readers are immediately thrust into a fast-paced thriller that doesn’t let up for a moment. In a world not too far removed from our own, kids are being taken away to special workhouses if their families exceed the debt limit imposed by the government. Thirteen-year-old Matt briefly wonders if he might be next, but quickly dismisses the thought. After all, his parents are financially responsible, unlike the parents of those other kids. As long as his parents remain within their limit, the government will be satisfied and leave them alone. But all it takes is one fatal visit to the store to push Matt’s family over their limit–and to change his reality forever.
“The Limit depicts a frighteningly familiar world with an unsettling twist . . . will keep readers guessing all the way to the end as they cheer on Matt’s ingenuity and his relentless search for answers.”
- Margaret Peterson Haddix, bestselling author of the Shadow Children series
“The Limit is a wonderful book. This glimpse into a possible future becomes all the more frightening because of Landon’s incredibly developed characters and setting, making the whole experience feel all too real. Fast paced, full of great humor, adventure, and surprises, this is sure to be enjoyed by all ages.”
- James Dashner, author of The Maze Runner and The 13th Reality series
For more information, go check out Kristen's website: CLICK HERE.
You guys should all read it!
Posted by
James Dashner
9:36 AM
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Maze Runner a NY Times Bestseller!
Today's been a good day for three very big reasons.
1. It's September 1st. To see how I feel about this date, go back and read my post from last year: CLICK HERE. Ignore all the stuff after the first bit.
2. I just turned in my manuscript for The Death Cure, the third and final book of The Maze Runner trilogy.
3. My agent called and gave me the news that The Maze Runner is now a NY Times Bestseller!
I have to admit, that last one hit me a lot harder than I ever would've thought. After all the years of hard work, all the rejections, all the revisions, all the disappointments, it really smacked me over the head and I got a little emotional. I'm so thankful to all the people who believed in me and helped this happen. ESPECIALLY all of my readers!!! Thank you.
Posted by
James Dashner
4:15 PM