It's a stretch to call this Day 1, but, well, ya know. I did leave on a big jet plane and I'm sitting in a very nice hotel bed, so for me it has begun.
It all started when my "Driver" showed up at my house 15 minutes early. I saw him through the window and had my first ridiculous moment of the tour. I honestly didn't know if I was supposed to grab my bags and go out there, or if he'd come to the door at the appointed time.
I frantically texted my friend Aprilynne Pike, and she told me to quit being an idiot and just wait for him. Sure enough, he came to my door at precisely 11:30 am and knocked. I opened the door, of course acting like I hadn't been watching him all this time. In summary, this had to be the single stupidest 15 minutes of my life so far. Why I'm telling you this, I have no idea.
Anyway, he was a total stud. His name is Frank Brunson (yes, his name is Frank Brunson and I have his card to prove it. Frank Brunson! I mean, come on! That is so awesome!) and he treated me so nicely. The night before he'd been the driver for the Eagles (the band, not the football team) as they were in town for a concert. This made me feel uber cool for no rational reason whatsoever. Anyway, we chatted the whole way to the airport, and of course I didn't say goodbye until I'd given him a teaser chapter booklet, which he promptly asked me to sign.
Things didn't go so smoothly with the next part. My flight was delayed because of heavy traffic at the SanFran airport. So I spent almost an hour and a half sitting next to a dude with really ugly feet and subway sandwich smell. Why didn't I move to a different seat, you may ask? Because he was an awfully nice fellow, that's why. I never did tell him I was an author, so I doubt he'll read my less-than-flattering description of him.
The driver who picked me up at the SF airport was also nice and very talkative. But somehow I never quite got his name. But he's from Chile and has lived in the US for 30 years and hates jerky celebrities. I don't dare repeat some of the cool stories he told me!
He dropped me off at the Palomar Hotel right in the smack dab middle of the city. I hadn't been in my room for 5 minutes before two very strange things happened. First, this dude knocks on my door and offers me a bottle of water and some strawberries. I told him no thanks and he laughed, then told me it was free. Boy did I feel stupid! I, um, gladly took the offer of course.
He hadn't been gone a minute when I hear another knock. I open it up and there's this nice old lady offering to pull my bed down. Kind of freaked me out and I said no thanks. But as soon as I closed the door I wanted to kick myself in the ***. What was I thinking? Here I had a chance to get treated like Bruce Wayne and I said no. Oh well.
Not much else happened today (i.e. I think I've bored you enough and it's late), other than me walking about forty thousand miles around the city trying to find my way back from Chinatown. But this is a beautiful place and I really enjoyed it. I have got to get back here with my wife!
Well, tomorrow's a big day for me. Yes, I'm nervous. Wish me luck. I'll try to post about it in installments as I find time. Talk to ya soon!
Good Luck!
Awesome pics, Dude! Especially the bridge.
Your life is the coolest! Great advise for aspiring authors. If the limo driver arrives early, just be cool and wait for him to come in. He'll be on time. ^,^
*sigh* I wish I was a famous author and stayed at fancy hotels, and had a guy offer me free strawberries. ^_^ I like strawberries.
Keep your fans updated! We want to know!!!
Dashnog word: Copubil(ko-PUB-ill): to go public. Usage: I think it's time we copubil with this.
Rock star nothin, who's livin the high life now?! Aren't you glad your number-crunching days are over?
Dashner, you lucky dog! You know I used to live in SF, right? Now I'll be humming Journey's "Lights" all day.
If you can, go to Henry's Hunan Restaurant on Sansome. Get the Scallion Pancake, the Hot and Sour Soup, and the Garlic Chicken. You won't be sorry.
Then, go to Golden Boy Pizza in on Green Street. To. Die. For.
And, hey: I was at that Eagles concert in SLC! Yup, flew in just for that. It was fantastic.
oh! too cool!
I can't wait to hear more about your adventures! ^.~
Dashnog: quitedr. a first graders attempt at quieter.
EX) it got quitedr.
I can't believe that you were in San Fran just kickin' it yesterday. I could have totally brought my family to come see you, but A: it's like 3 1/2 hours to San Fran from my house a.k.a. a VERY long time to be in the car for a two-year-old, and B: I didn't want to be one of those crazy stalker fans who follows semi-famous people around the globe. Oh yeah. And it was Mother's Day and my son's birthday. So it was never going to happen.
That was great. Where else can you go to get practical advice on how to be treated like a celebrity? Now we ALL know: wait til they come to the door. Say yes to the free strawberries.
I'm thinking you missed the mint on your pillow. Better luck next time.
Good luck! It sounds like a blast so far.
The Maze Runner = Woah. Just finished it this afternoon.
Finally! An update in the Day and the Life...
Have a great trip. Don't worry, you're not boring us at all. I think it's fascinating to hear about what you're doing.
You go, Bruce...er, I mean...James! Remember that you've worked hard to be here. You deserve it. Now go get your bat-cape and rock the scene!
Enna Isilee--I'm so jealous it's ridiculous.
awsome im jealous ....not about the strawberrys thou there gross.......hope your having a blast...lol..word whinse def whine..tiki tiki.....
Thanks, everybody! I'll be posting a lot this week, so you have to make sure and leave lots of comments. Show everyone who the faithful Duders are...
Enna!!!! Whoa? That sounds very positive!
I hope they give you the full "Bruce Wayne" treatment in Seattle, too! I look forward to meeting you at Troiani tomorrow.
- Tegan from Queen Anne Books
Tegan, thanks for stopping by. Can't wait to meet you tomorrow!
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