I hope everyone is having a fabulous December and looking forward to the holidays. Just thought I'd pop in and say hi, catch up, tell you about my "other" series in case you don't know about it yet.
But first, there are a couple other places you can go to try and win a copy of my book:
1. Friend and author Bree Despain's sequel to THE DARK DIVINE is coming out on the 28th, and she's running a contest on her blog. Not only can you get my book, you can also win a Kindle! CLICK HERE.
2. Another friend, Liz Carlston, author of THE CHRISTMAS STONE, is giving away my book and other cool stuff on her blog as well: CLICK HERE.
Okay, now I can't tell you how THRILLED I am at how the Maze Runner Trilogy is selling. It's beyond anything I could've ever dreamed when I was starting out, and I'm so thankful to all of you for being a part of it. Thank you thank you thank you.
Many of you keep commenting about how you're dying for the third book, can't wait, stuff like that. All of which makes my day every time I hear it. Maybe I have a solution for your waiting angst.
You should check out my other series, The 13th Reality, which is ongoing but still kinda quiet. I know I'm extremely biased, but I really think you guys will enjoy it. The first two books are in paperback, and the third is out in hardback (pb coming in February):
Book 1, The Journal of Curious Letters
Book 2, The Hunt for Dark Infinity
Book 3, The Blade of Shattered Hope
It's a story of quantum physics and alternate realities, riddles and mysteries, hideous creatures and evil people hellbent on gaining power, retro and futuristic weaponry. I know at first glance it appears to be for a younger audience, but I really believe all ages will enjoy it.
I don't mean to sound like a salesman. It's just that I poured a lot of heart and soul into this series and I want more people to discover it. So give it a chance if you haven't yet.
To find out more, CLICK HERE.
And that's all for now. Talk soon.....
I love the 13th Reality series as well as Maze Runner. I can't wait for the next in that series either. There, enough pressure for you?
Personally I love the 13th Reality Series. Its so worth the read.
Round here we love 13th Reality. But I'm sad you didn't plug Jimmy Fincher here, too! What's up with that?!
You are such a fun author, James!
I agree with Blue. Why aren't you plugging Jimmy Fincher? We love that series too! And it is complete--so no waiting around for the next book to be written. We started reading it when we DID have to wait for the next book to be written! We love your books!
Thanks, guys. I DO love Jimmy Fincher, they're just more obscure and harder to find. I thought I'd tackle 13th first. Jimmy's time in the sun will come, I'm sure of it.
Thanks for being so nice!!!!!
I Know I know ,I need to read it. But hey, I did do a review of Maze Runner for ya, though =)
The 13th Reality series has been on my to read list. I just need to bump it up - maybe after school is out tomorrow I can get to it over the winter break. I really need to win the lottery so I can stay home and read all day long.
I can't wait to read both series!
I've enjoyed reading the 13th Reality series. Are there going to be more books in the series?
I loved your 13th Reality series! I tell everyone about it!
Hey James/James Dashner fans I have a question.
What is the most annoying mistake that fiction writers make?
For me it is to much foreshadowing. Some books tell you exactly what will happen in the next chapter and it makes reading feel like a waste of time.
I hate wasting time.
I bought the Scorch Trials Saturday night, and after the first few pages, I knew it wouldn't leave my hands until I was done. I finished last night and im sure anyone can agree that the third book better come soon :) You sure know how to end with a cliff hanger!!! Thanks for writing it. Can you give us some sort of hint towards the next book? Like the title or something? thanks :)
I'm in my 30's and love 13th Reality! I'm also reading it to my grade-schoolers and they love it, too. Very fun series. It definitely needs more buzz.
I'm definitely looking forward to the third Maze Runner book! And I should get around to reading the second 13th Reality... of course, the Jimmy Fincher Saga is still my favorite that you've written!
The MAZE series is still my favorite. I love how your books made me open up to different genres. Now, I'm reading books that I wouldv'e never picked up before The Maze Runner. I love all of your books so you better keep writing.
And no, thank you!!
I read the first 13th Reality book back in middle school, and I have been wanting to find it again lately, but couldn't remember the name. I read your Maze Runner books becuase of an ad on Facebook. I just made the connection today! I am so glad that I can continue both series'.
Randomness: Apparently you and I go to the same physical therapist (RPT in South Jordan -- or at least we did back in the day). They told me you used to give them all sorts of teasers to get them into the books (both 13th Reality and Maze Runner). They also happened to say that you mentioned that the 4th 13th Reality would be coming out pretty soon after you finished Scorch Trials. Any truth to that? I'm going nuts wanting the next one to both series! I just finished Scorch Trials and thought it was great, but I'm just dying to know what's going to happen. Also, have you decided how many books will be in each series?
I wish I would have known the Maze Runner series was a trilogy before I read the first two. I was very angry when I got to the end and realized there was another book to come because I had read the first too so furiously to have my questions answered. I guess that just shows how good the books were. I'm glad I calmed down before I posted this haha :D
I guess I'll give the 13th reality series a try.
At the bookstore I frequent they keep the 13th Reality books in the fenced in kids section that has 2 foot tall crush orange reading chairs.
I always assumed the books were wayyyyy below my reading level. But I honestly think James Dashner's writing style has almost zero flaws so I'll support the cause.
Mr. Dashner, you're amazing!! I just finished the Scorch Trials and I think I'm going through withdrawl symptoms because now I have to wait for the third one and i'm not used to waiting!! I think i'm going to try your 13th Reality series because I love your style of writing! Keep up the good work, not to push you or anything but I really want to read the third book as soon as I can....
Jimmy Fincher didn't really end. It did say that the battle for earth was over, but Jimmy's adventures weren't.
And now that you're a much better writer, maybe you could update the Jimmy Fincher books and add a couple more to it. Or just one.
I like the 13th Reality series better than THE MAZE RUNNER.
Has anyone noticed that MAZE, which contains 3 books, always has a three-word title, and that REALITY, which contains 5 books, always has a five-word title???
I got the 13th Reality Series while waiting for The Scorch Trials...I have only been able to read the first one because my son has confiscated the rest. (VERY good thing!) I just love the relationship between the father and son!
Okay! I love the Maze Runner and the Scorch Trial is on my Christmas list! It's a really great book. I'm going to check out the 13th reality soon, I think!
Not only are you a great writer, but I'm enjoying reading your blog. You're funny!
just wondering, is the 13th reality series going to be made available on the barnes and noble nook?
The 13th really is definitely worth reading. Love the series. Cant wait for the next one!
When I read descriptive books such as yours I get inspired to draw what I think image in the book look like. I drew a Griever in the maze, I hope you enjoy it (:
PS. blogger didn't like a direct HTML post of the image so I'm providing a link
Catherine Hardwicke is directing the movie? That's awesome!
I really adored The Maze Runner! I just finished The Scorch Trials and it was amazing too! Its really, really hard to find a good book for me to read, but I was just looking through my kindle store and found these books as a suggestion. I couldn't put them down! I wish you could hurry on The Death cure, but for now I think I will try the 13th reality. I am the only one in my school that loves reading alot! And so I showed people your books, and they fell in love with them too. Me being just a kid, it's writers like you, that inspire me to be what I want to do when I grow up. Be an author :)
I highly reccomend the book Matched for all Maze Runner fans! It's the story of a society where people are Matched with the person they are to spend the rest of their lives with. But its not that easy for Cassia! Find out more:
cassiarayes.tumblr.com :)
James, I made a Maze Runner site! Hope you will like it! themazerunner.tumblr.com :)
Okay, my son's mad. He just finished Scorch Trials that we gave him for Christmas and now he has a long wait till the next one. Just waned you to know.
Hi James, Ben here,
I recently wrote a Q&A request and I just wanted to say that I have started a book & movie reviewing blog and I wrote a very positive review on the Maze Runner, 'cuz I thought it was just awesome. Her's the URL of my site:
Hola: creo que soy de las primeras mexicanas en escribir aqui, lei tu entrevista en la pagina en español, esta fantastica. Vi tu libro en una tienda hace una par de semanas y en Navidad mi esposo me lo regalo, lo empece a leer hace 3 días y no he podido dejar de leerlo. Esta genial, mejor de lo que esperaba y ahora ando esperando que llegue ya la segunda parte aca a México Y por supuesto si sale la pelicula que este igual de genial que el libro.
Felicidades, eres un exelente escritor.
I just finished the Scorch Trials, and i am SO anxious to read the 3rd book. I'm actually kinda bummed out, because i want to know what happens, like, NOW... :) Great job, i'm very impressed!
I'm so excited for the third book in the Maze Runner trilogy! I found that all of your books are awesome, but I especially loved the Maze series. I wasn't sure that the ending of the second one would be too much of a cliffhanger, considering all that had happened, but then it was so sudden. Not many authors can make a reader want the next book so badly with just a sentence! I can't wait!
Can you please post a blog-post about how you started as an author and your childhood as a young writer? Maybe some tips on how to end up with books on the bestseller list someday? I'm sure it would be greatly appreciated! :) Young writers are always looking for tips from successful authors out there.
i put the first on hold at the library. thanks for the heads up.
I just now finished The Scorch Trials, wow, loved it (thanks for the great read) and had to come search and see when the next book will be out...NOT soon enough I see! ;) Looking forward to it and I'll be checking out your other series of books too.
I'm currently writing a book now, the progess is slow though, but I think the plot is fantasic. Though, one of my closest friends is very compeditive with me and says she loves to write, too. She goes around, constantly showing off one or two pages of random writing, giving up on one story the same day she writes it. It makes me feel bad, though, I do work hard on writing on she tries her hardest to show me off. I try to ignore it, showing my story to only two friends. One says it brillent, the other says it's her favprite book ever. Those keep me smiling and on the path of getting it finished. I refuse to let thst "friend" get to me, knowing getting my story published will quiet her down. I've been reading your blog for some time, taking in your advice and looking at your writing hoping it will improve my skills, too. You're my role model, and I'll always be a fan of yours!
I just read and LOVED The Scorch Trials! Thank you for writing such a FANTASTIC book. I can't wait for the third one in the series (trilogy?). Here is a link to my review: http://kdkbooklove.blogspot.com/2010/12/scorch-trials.html
In the meantime, I'm going to see if my library has copies of The 13th Reality!
I keep meaning to check out 13th Reality. Some of my readers have been asking about The Maze Runner becoming a movie. Any updates there?
OMG! The Maze Runner is gonna be a movie?!?! http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/movies/2011/01/the-maze-runner-james-dashner-noah-oppenheim-catherine-hardwicke-movie.html
Can't wait!! Such epic books!
The 13th Reality is one of my FAVORITE series! People should definitely read it. Another new book I love is Maze Runner and Scorch Trials. I actually just finished (like 5 minutes ago) the Scorch Trials and I really hope the next book comes out soon for Maze Runner and 13th reality.
Hey You (yes, you have now been upgraded to this nondescript, yet endearing title. May I suggest it next time you forget someone's name. Although it may not be so endearing when personalizing autographed books), congrats on being the guest of honor at LTUE. See you there.
Listen up Dashner - I NEED THE THIRD BOOK!!! I NEED THE DEATH CURE!!! I'm going CRAZY! What more can I say?? Arggg! This waiting is driving me shucking nuts. ;)
I really like the maze runner and scortch trails. My hope is that the 3rd book will not be done too fast as to insure a GREAT ending!
As you know, James, I love, love, love the 13th Reality series. My son and I are both addicted! He's convinced me to bring him along when you come to Montana for the reading conference next October. He can't wait to meet you! I have to admit, I'm having some serious Dashner withdrawals right now - I may have to re-read them all while we wait for your next release. LOL.
haha, Well, I haven't gotten around to read your other series. But still, I LOVE The Maze Runner and Scorch Trials...and yes I can't wait for the next book to come out.
Good job, and keep writing!!!
You have a brilliant mind!!!
Mr. Dashner, just finished your book, 13th Reality "The Journal of Curious Letters", and let me tell you, I was on "Shelfari" so fast, 'favorite'ing and 5 star-ing and giving every possible praise. :D So so so good, can't wait to get the next one! Would you ever consider an interview on my blog, www.sjskogerboe.wordpress.com ?
Thank you for a great read!
Hi James! I work at a bookstore in Canada, and today I got to nominate a book for Random House book of the year. I picked Scorch Trials, it was that good. I hope you'll come to Canada on tour some day!
God I love the 13th reality series. I am almost done with the first book. I think you are awesome and the forward is hilarious.
WELL, guess what??? I AM DYING TO READ DEATH CURE! oh and honestly I'm going to read 13th Reality Series really really really REALLY soon! (oh and did I mention I am dying to read a certain book that HOPEFULLY you will finish and HOPEFULLY you will release to your admiring mob of loyal fans?) =]
Wow, you're such an inspiration! I'm an aspiring author and I just finished The Scorch Trials, which was utterly awesome! I'm in the middle of my first fiction novel, and I hope that my writing can be as good as yours someday. I can't wait to read Death Cure!
This book was great. It has actually been a while since i read it, but i keep coming back to it. It is edgy and unforgettable.
When i read, i tend skim. A majority of authors in this generation go on and on about useless details that never tie the story together in anyway. I can understand a book perfectly, even if i only have read two thirds of the story.
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