I think my brain has finally emptied of any and all contents. I'm sitting here in Barnes and Noble, and I can't think of one thing to blog about. I'm a sad, sad little man. Guess we'll just go completely random.
1. Finally caught up on LOST. I love it, I truly do. SPOILER ALERT: But I have to admit I'm very disappointed it went the time travel route. I just think time travel is way overdone and it never makes complete sense when you really, really think about it. Oh well. Still worship the show.
2. I'm growing weary of AMERICAN IDOL. The only thing that keeps me going is Simon. He's always right and I always agree with him. But yeah, he's kind of a big fat jerk.
3. DUMA KEY by Stephen King is excellent. Sometimes I finish reading a page or two by that guy and have to put the book down in wonder. I just don't know how he does it.
4. It's that time of year again for the NCAA tournament. I'll do my picks as usual, but I don't know why I bother. My wife always beats me.
5. THE SCORCH TRIALS is now up to 34,000 words. I'm a little worried because it's getting pretty bleak. Maybe I need to figure out a way to add some clowns. Nice clowns, not the creepy kind. Strike that. There's no such thing as a non-creepy clown. Anyway, I really think this book will end in a way that makes you sit up all night thinking about it.
I better get back to work. Lots of writing to do. You guys can entertain me in the comments: what random things are YOU thinking about today?
Monday, March 16, 2009
Nothing to Talk About
Posted by
James Dashner
10:29 AM
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First comment!
James, I understand your boredness.
By the way, next time you get sent the way of Houston, TX, please tell me, I is going crazy.
Also, congrats on SCORCH TRIALS, good progress!
I want to read it in its entire bleakness! No really! I'm serious!!!
Dashnog: dessel
OOOH WHY did you have to give a spoiler? Yes, I saw the alert but I HAD to look. I personally blame you.
Obbji: Blaming James Dashner for giving LOST spoilers.
Anna, it's not much of a spoiler, trust me. It's not one of the shocking moments of the show. And it's not the explanation for everything or anything like that.
It's just an element. And it does have me intrigued.
You must be WAY behind.
Wil S and JN, you rock.
Where is everybody today?
lol, that doesn't make it sound so bad. I've only just started season four. I am WAY behind.
I just finished my MS last night I could blame the "ox in the mire" thing but that's not why I wrote on Sunday. How could you not write whether it is sunday or not when you have HALF A CHAPTER left? I did a grammar check and sent it off to my readers WHOO HOO!!!!! This might be the MS that gets me published it is certainly the best thing I have ever writen.
Random anough for you?
What am I? Chopped liver?
I made tuna melts for lunch for my kids and I did some world building. I have karate tonight and friends coming in town on thursday and my house is disastrous. My husband has let me know that if I make a big pile of laundry, he will wash it and put it away. If you only knew the places in my house my kids have managed to leave their clothes.
I'm thinking about how... Sometimes, I check my word count for the current (blasted) project and suddenly, I'm a thousand more words taht I thought I was. Freaky!
Not that I don't appreciate it. I just would like an explanation.
I love Little Debbie oatmeal creme cookies.
I'm having random thoughts about demons. Real ones--not those pansy emotional kind... =]
Bleakness that shall keep me up all night? Aww...you just made my day!!!! Dark L.T. is reveling in that!
Well put. Find me a non-creepy clown and I'll finance your trip to mars :P
Anyway, I recommend orange juice spiked with lemon for those bored, unproductive moments. Of course, if you don't want to be productive, skip that and go straight for the remote, or FPS/MMPRPG, or whatever you fancy.
Glad to hear of your progress. Keep it up, buddy!
I'm not allowed to watch American Idol anymore...people got too fed up with me screaming at the judges for not knowing the first thing about music--including when someone's singing is actually "pitchy". I agree, Simon is the only one who has a clue.
Remember, Arlene, I'm spreading the love. :-)
I'm so thankful for my faithful followers and commenters!
Found out the general schedule today (still no details). I fly to NY on May 3rd. My first time ever in the Big Apple!!!
I thought we were just posting random thoughts today.
Have fun in NY!
Noble, congrats on finishing a manuscript. That is a noble task indeed. Many writers never actually finish a book. Here's to you getting pubbed!
Lex, nothing makes my day like being invaded by vicious man-eating demons. Say hi to them for me.
hehe ...the only time I watched american idol was last year because my sisters friend David A. was on it ...it was intense...hehe I have year books to prove I know him...lol..congrats on the word count update...random thoughts of today: get all latework turned in by thursday... work on book club assignments so I dont fail english ...wonder whats the latest update on my grandma...my daddy is in surgury for his gal bladder... I say way too much info on your blog....I wonder when the acceptance/decline letter for orchastra will arive...I want a build a bear party for my birthday..........word obonat meening haircut usage I got an obonat last saturday....tiki tiki
...In case you're afraid that I'm vying for "number one fan". I haven't finished "The Journal of Curious Letters" yet. Is that bad of me to admit? I think you've forgotten my sarcastic humor streak. Too bad you can't hear me actually saying the things I post. It would be ten times funnier.
Veri word. Demon- a love tap.
oh ya and I got my friend to take piano with me on wednesdays .....and I have been at school.....word ansinver def. birthday usage my ansinver is in 244 days....tiki tiki
Arlene you better not be vying....
James, James, James, clowns are not creepy they are just misunderstood. (stop throwing things at me Arlene I know you hate clowns but I love them. Could be my only dark quality.)
Also I love Little Debbie oatmeal creme cookies tooo....send me some.
YAY on the dates for your tour that has to be thrilling. Have a piece of cheesecake for me while your in the Big Apple. I love that city.
Impressive word count on Scorch Trials...well done. My word counts are always so depressing. Especially during editing when I seem to go backwards...grrr.
Dashnog of the day is 'Hyders'--car keys. Usage: where the heck have my hyders gone now? Has anyone seen my hyders? Or the all popular give the designated driver your hyders before you indulge at the party.
JN I need a definition for 'dessel' or I will have to come up with it myself...lol.
and ....lol.... I have fun dip!!!!....word isitic....
You just made my day AGAIN with that word ver. =]
Said demons say "righ' back atcha."
Feel the love.
are we all aculay on at one time wow.....My team won the game of hockey today...1 to 0 oh yah...
LENE! you crack me up. Dashner you are soo lucky to have interesting fans and whatever it is that I am since I still haven't read anything you wrote I guess that makes me an uninitiated member of the fan club too. But I make up for it by having faith in that which I have not seen--namely your books.
I think so. James is always on...Sorry to rat you out, James.
As long as it's gonna be random today, is anyone else as excited as I am for "Wolverine" to come out?
Antist--dashnog for random
usage: I just had an antist thought that we should make Dashnog T-shirts for the upcoming conference. lol.
When all else fails and you've hit a road block, there are a couple of things you can do for kicks and giggles:
1) Kill someone important
2) Blow up something (if it's important too, it's even better)
3) Give the bad guy something that the good guy REALLY wants
4) Kill someTWO importants
5) Indigestion
6) Main character is suddenly imprisoned by someone who's a MAJOR jerk. Shoot, you could even have him get captured by someone based on Simon! "Your perfohmance is compLETEly ova the tope and NOT as good as you thought it was."
Ah, Wolverine! I can hardly stand it. I might have to camp out at the theater. Bring on the biceps!!
subbi-[shu bee](I am saving this word and will define it later.)
my friend has this awsome shirt on the front it says team draco on the back it says harry potter kicks twilghts a**....
I've eaten an entire box of girl scout cookies today.
Cool. I'd wear a Dashnog shirt.
I want one of those shirts too!
conf word is 'ingwoppi' I kid you not
it will now become the name of a small race of magical creatures who worship books and spend all their time acting out the scenes from their favorite stories.
pronunciation [in qua pee] and they will be blue except when they chose to change colors in which case they can turn pink, green, or salmon colored.
I want to make a comment but I feel like I'm barging in on a private conversation or something!
Lost always makes my head spin, time travel or not. American Idol will never be as good as last season was. To Donna... read the books already! :) What's The Scorch Trials anyway? Next book after The Maze Runner? Sheesh, where have I been?
to clarify I want one of the harry potter shirts like #1's friend.
Donna we made them...
Graham, at first I didn't realize you meant in my book. It was much more fun thinking I should do that stuff in real life. harhar.
I've thought about these faithful commenters who haven't read my book yet. *cougharlenedonnacough* I've decided I don't like it. Go read my book or we'll deem you to be fakes. (said with Arlene's voice of sarcasm of course)
Suey! We always welcome new people here...oh wait, this isn't my blog. I've gotta get off here.
Thanks, Suey. No, you'd never intrude!
Yes, SCORCH is the sequel to MAZE. It's gonna be really good.
ARTHURS ON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but I like living on faith and if I read them, what will happen to my faith in your as yet undefinably enormous talent for writing? Will I be disappointed this is the question. Or will the once strong faith become perfect knowledge...its a dilemma.
Hey, no pointing fingers, sir. I've read Jimmy Fincher and I'm in the middle of "Journal of Curious Letters". Although, to be completely honest, it's not exactly what I would normally read. Chalk that up to having you met you, James. Truly, I'm looking forward to Maze cuz it seems more my style.
How would you quote somthing thats already in quotes?...word imersh meaning food......
P.S. Has anyone else ordered their copy of "I Am NOT a Serial Killer?" by Dan Wells? You have to get it on Amazon.co.uk...or something like that. Mine will be here on Friday. If you're looking for something dark...
#1 I LOVE ARTHUR!!!!!!!!!!!
It is the binky rules episode Arlene
Just the one set of quotes should work, generally speaking. What's the context?
Well for 'nothing to talk about' this post has tripled in comments in the last 30 minutes. hehehe. Enjoy your 'antist' ramblings. I have to go find a copy of one of James' books. The guilt it getting to me. NOT!!
(I'm Irish I live on potatoes and guilt.)
Random thoughts of the day... Can't wait till Maze comes out, can't wait till 13th Reality 3 comes out... should I keep writing, or should I start a new book... I am sad, I've eaten about 30 pieces of gum since Thursday afternoon. Hmm, what should I do now..............??? Hey, Dashner, maybe have the bad guy send them a huge balloon with a huge clown on it, and evil laugh echoing through out the air on a repeated loop, and an army of zombie clowns coming out. Maybe, maybe not. Hmm... later.
word wings def. hello kitty usage wings is awsome.....im quoting this ( "cut head off" she said screaming "cut head off")from the book my group got assigned...would it be '"cut head off" she said screaming "cut head off"' or "cut head off' she said screaming 'cut head off'" or what...
Arlene--I'm totally stalking you from now on. You had me from "serial killer." I love you. j/k (...or am I?) Count me in for the dash-nog shirts
Donna, I know all about your awesomeness from Deb (who is just AWESOME!) but I feel I must tutor you in the ways of Dashness. There is no possible way one can be disappointed in any manner regarding James' ability to kick trash all over the literary field. I've read all his stuff (all I can get my hands on...*sigh*) and I can guarantee you a FABULOUS read. Even if you think it's not your thing, you'll soon be swayed. It's something to do with the ink James puts on the page that seeps through your skin and brainwashes you. Seriously though, it's good stuff. Don't doubt. Do. You'll never regret it. =]
(James, do I get paid for that? j/k)
BTW, WELCOME SUEY! Always good to snuggle up with us weirdos. =]
LexiconLuvr- who ARE you and how do you know about "Serial Killer"?
P.S. I don't mind stalkers because of my mad karate skills.
Why, I'm the coolest person alive! Nah, I'm just a writer who is slowly losing sanity. I met Deb here [sorry James, takin' up your space] and she and I emailed about getting our two critique groups together for dinner or something while at storymakers. If you wanna learn more about my crazy-stalkerish ways, you can check my out at my blog via my profile. Beware. I'm a crazy.
As for I am not a serial killer I met Dan at LTUE this year, listened to his two chapter reading and fell in love.(With the book, not Dan. Although he's a nice guy and all.) I just finished reading my copy on Sunday morning at 3:00 AM. It's that good. Really.
But James, you're still my #1 stalker-victim. Just so you know.
I can't wait!
I am DYING for the serial killer book, but haven't actually pushed the button yet. Will it be sold here one of these days?
That's it! Lexi, I'm coming over and borrowing ALL your books! (except 13th 1st book - have that one). Plus the serial killer, totally freaked me out at LTUE, but I did pee my pants laughing, so Dan has that going for him.
James, as for the clowns. Clowns...Are...Scary! Please no clowns.
Holy Smokes! Where have I been all day? Somehow I miss out on the sixty-some-odd comments on the Dash blog while doing who knows what.
Lexicon, you are awesome - no lie - and I can't wait to meet you.
Arlene, You are the master... errr.. mistress of random thoughts.
Donna, Dashnog shirts it is. We must make them for Storymakers, or perhaps for LTUE next year (no worries Arlene, you will get one even if you can't make it out).
James, keep spreading that love, keep writing those books, and welcome back to our great state of Utah.
How could you leave out your awesome visit to Glendale on Friday??? I hope it went as well as you'd hoped it would. I know it was at the end of a long couple of weeks so THANKS!!! We thought it was great and the schools did too. Anytime your in AZ just let me know and we'll get you out and about again! Thanks again-Becky at DB
Just finished Dark Infinity last night. Loved, loved, loved it! Can't wait until Book 3, but I guess I'm going have to. :(
Don't really have any random thoughts. Sorry James.
Dashnog: polya - a flakey dessert covered with chocolate
Apparently it didn't like that one
inglessi - the language spoken in the country of ingles
Wow, I think we have a new record for comments. Congrats, my talkative friends.
Becky at DB, thanks for a wonderful day. It meant a lot how hard you worked.
Other Becky, I'm so glad you liked Book 2! Whew!
Everyone else, thanks for the nice words and funny stuff. I love having something to read every time I open my phone!
Dashnog shirts would definitely be cool.
Wow, I think I spent 30 minutes reading those. A healthy dose of randomness makes the world go round. Right now I'm thinking how much I hate writing short stories (there's no such thing as a short story!), listening to it rain really hard, pondering the mysteries of life and thinking how much I like rasberry tea. Dark Infinity was amazing, just finished!
Please, please, PLEASE no clowns. Please.
I lost!(THE GAME)
Hey Arlene,
What style of Karate do you study? I started Tang Soo Do in October and just got my orange belt. (And broke my first board.) Just curious?
Word Verification: Houndis- the action of searching for something/one,
What makes you think I was talking about the book?
Noble- Really, I'm all talk. I just started taking karate with my six year old a month or two ago. They study a form of Hawaiian Kenpo. It has a long name that I forget. It's a ton of fun, though! I'm totally hooked!
Oh yeah! And I just broke a board last night, too!
Here's my random thought of the day: Don't you hate it when you are craving a nice, large, caffeinated beverage and you stop somewhere - let's say Subway (hypothetically speaking, of course)- And you leave only to find that your caffeinated beverage is missing the flavorful syrup that makes it so tasty. Grrrr!
I will pay anyone who does all my homework 20 bucks to do it....
Oh, since everyone's talking about when they finished Dark Infinity, I finished last Tuesday, and I loved it.
hehe I finshed book 2 at the end of November hehe......
oh ya and my word is drumphy it means grumpy angy frustated and worried all at once usage I am drumphy
ugg I can't concentrate...
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I thought I had time on my hands.
Glad you saw reason regarding the clowns. Gah!
Dashner we need a new post the comment string is getting out of control. It takes me 3 mins just to get to the bottom to read the new stuff....gosh aren't you popular=)
Also as an update we have 51 Dashnog words. Drumphy is my favorite one today. Thanks #1.
my word is 'undis' I'm not going there cause all I can think is to pronounce it [undees] and that won't work.
BTW Check out the new show Castle on ABC. It's hilarious. Not for the 13 and under crowd because its about a mystery writer following a detective on some interesting murder cases. But for the 13 and up group it is quirky and fun.
That's all I got.
hey, I sent you an email....
I agree - there is no such thing as a non-creepy clown! I hatehatehatehate CLOWNS!!
#1, I can't see what that is....
Thanks for all the comments, guys! I read each and every one, no matter how whacked.
look at it this way and see .....word walippeg def. yw/ym usage I am going to wlippeg today ....
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