Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Fablehaven 3 by Brandon Mull

As promised, I wanted to blog a little about the new book, Fablehaven 3: Grip of the Shadow Plague by Brandon Mull. It was just released this week, and I'm sure many of you have heard of this series and read the first 2 books. If not, check them out! I promise you and your kids (if you have some) will love it.

Mostly I wanted to make sure you knew about the huge launch party this Friday, April 25th. It will be held at Cottonwood High School in Utah (5715 S 1300 E in Salt Lake), and it's gonna be incredible. I'll be there, so if any Dashner Dude readers come to the party, seek me out and say howdy. I'll be the slightly goofy lookin' dude salivating over Brandon's success.

There's gonna be a comedy group, characters from the books (including Muriel the witch), books for sale, giveaways, all kinds of fun stuff. And, of course, Brandon will be there. The comedy show starts at 6:00, the main show at 6:30.

To find out more, visit Brandon's website: CLICK HERE.

To buy the new book, CLICK HERE.

To buy The 13th Reality, CLICK HERE. (oops, how did that sneak in there?)

Lyrics of the Day:

And oh, my dreams,
It's never quite as it seems,
'Cause you're a dream to me,
Dream to me.

- The Cranberries


Lauren said...

Whoops! Did I just clickity on my new favorite books website. Oh! I believe I did.

Just kidding... *evil laughter* Maybe.

James Dashner said...

Sunbum, you are evil evil evil. At least I can say I was your favorite for what, like 2 weeks? :-)

Anonymous said...

I'll see you there, James. And I'll introduce you to Amy, a friend who thinks "James Dashner" sounds like the name of a Jane Austin character.

It's probably the phonetics of Dashner, similar to 'dashing'. That's her opinion, by the way, and subject to revision upon meeting you.

Rachelle Christensen said...

I love Fablehaven! I can't wait to read it. That's cool that you get to be there in the limelight as well. Good luck!

Luisa Perkins said...

You people and all your fun out there in the West! Enjoy; it sounds great.

Lillian J. Banks said...

James Dashner does sound like a name in a Jane Austin novel *giggle*

Anonymous said...

Hey, James!
So I was at work today, and this 11 year old girl comes up asking me for a recommendation for a kid's book that's kind of fantasy, so of COURSE I'm talking and talking about your book (which she DID buy in the end), and as I'm telling her about it, this kid walks up, WEARING A 13TH REALITY T-SHIRT, and says "THISBOOKISAMAZINGYOUSHOULDDEFINITELYBUYITIWONTHIST-SHIRTINARAFFLEWHENICAMEINTOTHISSTORETOGETMYBOOKSIGNEDBYHIM" and he just starts going off on how much he loved the book. And I thought it was hilariously adorable.

The end! =)

The Tiggerlicious BodyGuard
B&N 2211

Irish said...

So I've heard a lot about Fablehaven (mostly from this site) and somehow when I was on Amazon placing the order that I didn't mean to place the first book ended up in my checkout cart.

Unknown said...

I'm always recommending your books to teens, James. I won't tell them about the Jane Austin connection though. Promise.

James Dashner said...

Kir3sten, you're the best. Keep it up and you might get some kind of prize! Take care of B&N for me.

Jane Austen? I'll take it.